Thursday 2 October 2008

Hello and welcome

My name's Imogen. I'll be two on Boxing Day. My favourite things are crayons (good for drawing on furniture), Mummy's bangles, my teddy Bobo and my bike.

Mummy said we were going for a walk after lunch today. That's what she and Daddy call going to the pub, so I thought I was going to get to see my Auntie Katy (the landlady) but we ended up in a portacabin behind the local working men's club. It's where they have a playgroup. Mum wants me to go there so she can have some peace. I'm starting after Christmas, but only for one afternoon a week. Today I went on the bouncy bouncy and played with the jigsaws.

It's right next door to my nursery, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it, even if the other children are bigger than me.

Right, I'm off for my nap now. I'll write more soon.

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